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self preservation

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ordered on of these recently http://www.ebay.co.u...#ht_1531wt_1186 hav'nt tried it yet but once me and the lads get pissed enough it will be on you tube and i will post the link apparently you will only try it on yourself once! come from new zealand and was here within a week. :boogy: but be aware if you use it on a person even in self defence you could be open to being charged with assault with a weapon but not illegal to buy one, or own one .used for dog protection from what i have read and very effective against nob heads bull breeds that may latch onto your hound (or whatever you have). :thumbs: here's one i found on you tube

while it won't kill he knew it was coming a dog has no idea what it is and even the toughest dog will fck off if this touches it (and maybe a problem cat) Edited by terrier410
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ordered on of these recently http://www.ebay.co.u...#ht_1531wt_1186 hav'nt tried it yet but once me and the lads get pissed enough it will be on you tube and i will post the link apparently you will only try it on yourself once! come from new zealand and was here within a week. :boogy: but be aware if you use it on a person even in self defence you could be open to being charged with assault with a weapon but not illegal to buy one, or own one .used for dog protection from what i have read and very effective against nob heads bull breeds that may latch onto your hound (or whatever you have). :thumbs:

would it not be classed as an offensive weapon if you carried it in public place :hmm:
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ordered on of these recently http://www.ebay.co.u...#ht_1531wt_1186 hav'nt tried it yet but once me and the lads get pissed enough it will be on you tube and i will post the link apparently you will only try it on yourself once! come from new zealand and was here within a week. :boogy: but be aware if you use it on a person even in self defence you could be open to being charged with assault with a weapon but not illegal to buy one, or own one .used for dog protection from what i have read and very effective against nob heads bull breeds that may latch onto your hound (or whatever you have). :thumbs:

would it not be classed as an offensive weapon if you carried it in public place :hmm:

simple soloution .................................. get a pet cow and take it for a walk lol :laugh:

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ordered on of these recently http://www.ebay.co.u...#ht_1531wt_1186 hav'nt tried it yet but once me and the lads get pissed enough it will be on you tube and i will post the link apparently you will only try it on yourself once! come from new zealand and was here within a week. :boogy: but be aware if you use it on a person even in self defence you could be open to being charged with assault with a weapon but not illegal to buy one, or own one .used for dog protection from what i have read and very effective against nob heads bull breeds that may latch onto your hound (or whatever you have). :thumbs:

would it not be classed as an offensive weapon if you carried it in public place :hmm:

ordered on of these recently http://www.ebay.co.u...#ht_1531wt_1186 hav'nt tried it yet but once me and the lads get pissed enough it will be on you tube and i will post the link apparently you will only try it on yourself once! come from new zealand and was here within a week. :boogy: but be aware if you use it on a person even in self defence you could be open to being charged with assault with a weapon but not illegal to buy one, or own one .used for dog protection from what i have read and very effective against nob heads bull breeds that may latch onto your hound (or whatever you have). :thumbs:

would it not be classed as an offensive weapon if you carried it in public place :hmm:

have tried looking it up in the law and it is only offensive if used on a human and then self defense may come into it.? can't see anything that say's carrying it is a problem in this country. maybe intent to harm could be used against you with a nob head copper but i think he would struggle to get a conviction if you are exercising your hounds but while shopping or out on the piss may be harder for you to defend :whistling: the same as carrying a decent blade. :angel:
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